The New Marketing Plan for Lepricon. Not the Same as the Old Marketing Plan
Part One: Introduction to our new strategy
Part Two: Our Product Timeline
- Three audiences — B2B (developers), B2C (players), B2A (Token holders)
- Massive content and PR campaign
- Extended use of video, podcast and other multimedia content
- Bounty program and NFT airdrops
In the previous two articles, we revealed an overview of Lepricon’s new strategy and our timeline for development. Together, these two articles outline our path forward as we build the tools and expertise necessary for the video games industry to confidently adopt blockchain into their games. When this happens, we will see player-owned and -run game economies become the norm in everything from casual mobile games to the AAA titles you play on your consoles.
The remaining questions are: How will we tell the world what we are doing, and to whom exactly do we need to say this?
Who needs to hear this story?
In the weeks leading up to the launch of our new website and publishing these articles, we identified three distinct audiences for whom we need to build unique messaging.
Customers (B2B)
Our business to business marketing is all about customers that would incorporate Leprichain into their applications and the set of technology solutions we are developing that make blockchain technology relevant for mainstream game development.
In the shorter term, these customers are DeFi and blockchain gaming developers for whom a gas-free environment would add a compelling component to their value proposition. In the long term, our customers will be the mainstream game developers who want the utility and value add of blockchain without the user experience issues preventing it from achieving mainstream adoption.
We believe that the road to adopting blockchain technology at a mass level is through developers choosing to incorporate it because it adds to the value and utility of games. Blockchain is not a benefit. It is a tool that can be adapted to create benefits.
Consumers (B2C)
As with our B2B audience, our B2C audience also separates into the near and far terms. For now, we focus on blockchain-aware gamers and gamers in the nascent play to earn space. We want people to play the games in Lepricon City and later FansPredict, among others. But we also want to see external game communities suggesting Leprichain in their Telegram and Discord channels. We need the blockchain gaming community to be aware of a gas-free alternative and aspire to experience it. Our secret weapon is everyone gets sick of gas eventually.
We also want to demonstrate how blockchain adds new utility and experiences to games for a wider audience who will play future games. Thus we will start seeding that message to the broader gaming press and begin taking some positions on this, building a foundation to launch upon later.
Token Holders (B2A)
Yes, you lot!
Our token holders want to see many things. They want to see utility and value in the token and have a roadmap they can believe in, demonstrating the future potential that makes the token worth holding. We believe Lepricon has always been very accessible with company principals easy to track down in Telegram and Discord, or even LinkedIn as we are a public team; no one is hiding behind screen names. However, communication can always be better. Now that we have revealed where we are heading as a company, it will be easier to maintain a higher level of contact with those holding L3P.
Wen Marketing?
The answer to that question is now. Below, read about some of what we have in store:
Content is at the heart of our marketing. What you are reading is content, and the volume of material that we publish will accelerate rapidly in the form of articles, social media posts, videos and podcasts. We just moved offices, and we are building a podcast/video recording studio in the meeting room.
You can expect to see:
- Product updates and announcements
- Game previews
- Partnership Announcements
- Marketing and community building initiatives
- Timeline Updates
- Thought articles (where we discuss our thoughts on the industry today and in the future)
- Video Newsletters
- Podcasts with special guests
- And much, much more.
PR & Amplification
Our marketing partner, Zebu Digital, has already been busy talking to the blockchain and gaming media, presenting our core messaging document. This outreach has generated a lot of interest. Josh Galloway, our CEO, was recently interviewed for a tier-one blockchain website, and there are several more interview opportunities under discussion.
Expect to see considerably more coverage of our activities in the blockchain press. Media coverage will then extend to the more mainstream gaming press as we build up Lepricon’s profile in that arena.
Lepricon has just announced sponsorship of DeFi Live in London this November, at which we will be speaking and participating in panel sessions. You will see us frequently participating in these events from now on. Hopefully, at some point, in-person should travel difficulties subside.
Finally, Lepricon will restart its AMA program with leading online communities.
Now that we have substantiated our mission and strategy, rebuilding the Lepricon community is our most crucial short-term objective. One of the ways we will do this is through Bounty programs, encouraging growth in and positive behaviours by our community. One of these programs will involve a substantial airdrop, mentioned below.
Airdrops but not as you know them
As mentioned above, one of our bounty programs will feature an airdrop, but not of tokens. Instead, those who meet the criteria will be eligible for random selection to receive some very well known NFTs, some of which are worth a lot of money. A select group who meet particular requirements will be guaranteed to get an NFT sent their way. There will be an announcement in the next few days.
Business Development & Partnerships
With Leprichain deployed, and our first proof that it works in the form of Lucky Wheel in Lepricon City, we now have a working product on which other companies can host their products and enjoy the benefits of a gas-free environment. Expect several partnership announcements along these lines. Also, we will be announcing partnerships with companies that allow us to extend our DeFi offerings for L3P holders.
The program discussed in this article is just a tiny taste of the activities that we have lined up. We will announce any significant marketing initiatives in our community channels, so make sure you connect to us on Telegram and Discord. Best to follow us on Twitter as well!
If you have not read the two preceding articles of this three-part series, make sure you do that now.
Part One: Introduction to our new strategy
Part Two: Our Product Timeline
About Lepricon
Lepricon is reimagining the possibilities for entertainment through blockchain technology and seeking to establish the general acceptance of player-owned economies in games. We believe that gaming can and should be the first killer-on ramp to mainstream adoption, and Lepricon’s stated mission is to catalyse this outcome.
Our activities break into three distinct tracks; technology, entertainment and DeFi.
At the core of this strategy is Lepricon’s own high-speed, gas-less Ethereum-compatible side chain, Leprichain. We are developing software solutions in the form of SDKs, which will empower mainstream game development studios to incorporate blockchain technology into their games. These solutions are built upon and powered by Leprichain, with the intent to create a drag and drop blockchain solution for mainstream game developers.
Lepricon is developing several in-house entertainment activities that operate on Leprichain, including our collection of arcade and carnival games at Lepricon City. The first games are straightforward, but we will develop more complex games that demonstrate Leprichain’s capabilities over time. We will leverage these demonstration games to encourage third party dApp developers to deploy on Leprichain.
Leprichain and all of the dApps that run on it are powered by our ERC-20 utility token, L3P. Lepricon’s DeFi portal will enable L3P holders to manage their tokens, participate in governance, and benefit from advanced yield-earning activities. Lepricon’s DeFi portal will launch towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2021.
For further information, please visit
Phil Ingram
LinkedIn | Website | Telegram | Twitter | Discord
$L3P Contract: 0xdeF1da03061DDd2A5Ef6c59220C135dec623116d