AMA VIC Group with LEPRICON Project
7 min readDec 9, 2020


👉 Part 1 : Basic Introduction of LEPRICON project with Mr Joshua Galloway-CEO of LEPRICON project
👉Part 2: Joshua Galloway-CEO of LEPRICON project will answer community questions.
👉 Part 3: All members can ask anything directly about LEPRICON project

Part 1: Tiểu Mai:

Can you introduce yourself, the Lepricon project and the current Lepricon operations team?

Joshua Galloway:

As you already know, my name is Joshua Galloway and I am the Founder & CEO of Lepricon.

I have more than 20 yearsof experience in the video game industry and have been involved a VP at a blockchain-focused VC for the past four years.

My background includes producing and publishing AAA titles, MMO games, and mobile games. I wanted to transition into blockchain about 5 years ago as I could see that gaming and blockchain would eventually come together and this might mean considerable opportunity. And this leads me to Lepricon.

Lepricon is a community-governed prediction games platform structured as a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. We will provide hyper-casual games for the general user which operate on a blockchain backbone via our native governance and platform token L3P.

The Lepricon platform also offers opportunities for staking and liquidity mining. Our platform will be open to third-party developers as a channel for the games they produce. In many ways an app store for prediction-based entertainment.

Lepricon is not a blockchain company — we are an entertainment company at heart. We understand it is all about the users if we are to give value to our token.

Tiểu Mai:

Yes, thanks for your introduction

we will continue to question 2 are you ready?

Joshua Galloway:


Tiểu Mai:

How does the Lepricon economic model work? What are the typical features of the Lepricon platform?

Joshua Galloway:

It is a Hybrid Economic model that combines elements of DeFi with games. We have a staking platform and we enhance yield with a portion of the income generated from our games and our NFT projects.

We call it a ‘circular token economy’ as we capture value from both DeFi and games and control the inflow and outflow of tokens into and out of the system.

There are many features but I think these are the most important:

Fun, hyper-casual prediction games and mobile-first, desktop later

User-created prediction pools

On-chain random number generator — transparent and fair

Automatic and fast payouts & withdrawals

Continuous liquidity mining for stakers

Community governance with token ownership

Tiểu Mai:

Thank you, we will continue to the last question of part 1

Why is Lepricon using NFT for Gamified DeFi instead of other content such as Game, Art of Painting?

Joshua Galloway:

Our NFTs will be verifiably unique on the blockchain. We might well have some that are based in whole or in part of art or they might give exclusive membership benefits or other unique economic features. Our NFT platform will be open and flexible and will not limit directions we can take when new opportunities present themselves.

Tiểu Mai:

Currently, NFT is a new trend in the market. Hopefully, Lepricon will be the project to create a breakthrough for this trend.

Here we will go to part 2 of today’s AMA program

The guest will answer five questions selected from the question form

Joshua Galloway:


Part 2:

Question 1: What is Lepricon’s core and core solution for DApp developers? what Will users who hold $L3P in addition to participating in decisions on the DAO governance mechanism will receive additional benefits?

Joshua Galloway:

Good question!

Our solution for dApp developers (of games of a predictive nature) is a fully functional user-facing platform with an easy to use SDK and API so that they can simply plugin and go live. For example, the random number generator and the platform wallet. And of course the operating token, L3P

Holders can stake, earn, predict, collect, play and govern.

Tiểu Mai:

yes thanks for your answer

Here is the second question

Question 2: What are the strategies or Unique propositions that you offer to developers to launch their DApps into the Lepricon ecosystem? Why they should chose you instead other DApps host?

Joshua Galloway:

For existing prediction games that want to migrate their content to the Lepricon platform, we will provide workshops and tutorials to help developers in this process. In addition, we will have a support desk for urgent inquiries.

For developers looking to build on Lepricon first, we will be providing an easy to use SDK to help with this process. For all of the blockchain integrations, we’ll be providing specialist help from our blockchain developers to both legacy games and new builds.

We believe developers will choose us because we understand we need to focus on marketing and delivering the expected user experience. If we do that right and we have the users we should be a natural choice.

Tiểu Mai:

The next question will be one that programmers in the VIC community will be very interested in about this

Question 3: In the future, Lepricon will have policies to support or establish development funds to attract and support cooperation with developers that own, develop and operate their own dApps on the platform Lepricon?

Joshua Galloway:

Yes, we will be providing grants from our treasury for developers to attract them to Lepricon. These grants will be decided upon by the governance of our community. To access these grants the developers must submit a proposal, including budgets and work plans to Lepricon for voting on by our wonderful community. In short if the token holders of Lepricon like it they will vote yes!

Tiểu Mai:

Nice to know this, hopefully in the future some members of VIC will have a chance to work with Lepricon.

Joshua Galloway:

You never know!

Tiểu Mai:

Yes and here is the next question for you

Question 4: Lepricon partners with developers that own, develop, and operate their own dApps on the Lepricon platform. So what are the benefits of developers running their dApps on the Lepricon platform? Can you tell us more?

Joshua Galloway:

Those developers will have access to a number of our on-chain tools such as our ‘On-Chain Random Number Generator’ which has been developed at significant cost and resources. This will allow developers to deploy this into their prediction games.

In addition, our chosen blockchain (more on that very soon!) is low gas, low latency and high transaction speeds. Allowing developers access to this chain will bring with it inherent benefits a lot of other projects simply do not have. All of this is accessed through our unique platform token L3P, which stands for Liquidity Pool and Prediction Platform.

Tiểu Mai:

And here is the final question of part 2 of today’s AMA program

Question 5: Whats the Current Major problems Such as High fees,etc in E-Commerce payments system, Which Lepriconproject is trying to solve as well as How Lepricon can solve that problems ?

Joshua Galloway:

Some of these answers are above in Question 4 but in short, the answer is in our chosen blockchain to build upon. We are announcing a very exciting partnership in the next couple of days which will give full details of this. We are building something that is fast, seamless to the blockchain, low gas, low fees, high transactions, great user experience, security and most importantly FUN!

If you want to know more about this and be the first to know when we annouce new things then pls join our telegram group @lepriconio

Tiểu Mai:

Yes, thank you for completing part 2 of today’s show excellently

And this is part 3 of the program, the group will be opened within 1 minute for members to ask questions for you

Are you ready yet, there will be a lot of questions @JoshuaGalloway

Joshua Galloway:

We have a team set up to find four or five questons that stand out. But if we do see someone is sending the same question twice then we won’t answer it

But yes — we are ready…

Part 3

Question 1: “ Fans Predict, KQJ, Bitpool “, all these are games launched by LEPRICON,

Can we earn $L3P playing these games ?

Joshua Galloway:

Yes and thanks for visiting the website. These are the three games we are going to launch with. Yes, can be earned by playing these three games and all of the games on our platform. In time we will epand to other currencies being directly playable on the platform.

Question 2: Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Joshua Galloway:

Full details of tokenomics are on the website — — but in short the total distribution will be 777,777,777. Regarding team tokens, these will be locked for a year and then take two more years to fully unlock.

Question 3: Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

Joshua Galloway:

All of our smart contracts and wallet are pre-audited by our developer. Our developer also does code audits for several exchanges In addition we are using a licensed custodian in Hong Kong to secure investor funds with banking level security.

Question 4: To SURVIVE in tough crypto market conditions is difficult, and we see that many projects are far from the targets. What is Your project strategy to survive in this long blockchain marathon?

Joshua Galloway:

We do know this so there are two important things to point out. First, we are focused on the product that users will use. This only works if we bring in users to play our games. We understand that we are an entertainment company not a blockchain company. Second, we have a very experienced team of experts across video games, casinos and predicitons, technology, crypto and marketing to name a few. Many of the team are serial entrepreneurs with successful backgrounds in starting companies.

Question 5: Your project is fully decentralized and is there some risk of centralization in the future?

Joshua Galloway:

In fact it is the other way round. We are starting with a traditional structure so that we can start, build and launch the company but plan to be a full DAO in three years. It will be a path to decentralisation which we will release full details on at our website in coming weeks. Decentralisation is the future and we embrace it!

Originally published at on December 9, 2020.



Lepricon is a blockchain-driven ecosystem of DeFi, games, and NFTs delivered on our gas-free Ethereum compatible side chain, Leprichain.